
Established in 2010, Funky Peach are a personalised clothing and merchandise company. They hold a remarkable reputation for quality, design and, above all, customer service to clients. This is obvious from the continued growth and positive feedback they receive daily.

Funky Peach are extremely passionate in their work and have very high standards in who they work for and the finished product.

The Challenge

Prior to using Your Lead Machine, Funky Peach were aware that the winter months were usually quieter for business. Although, they had been considering telemarketing services for a while, they don’t have the in-house capacity to do telemarketing for themselves.

For them, the turning point was speaking, in person, to Your Lead Machine. They were advised to start telemarketing in October/November – this was the starting point into the effortless decision to get the ball rolling. This way, they were confident that they would have business in December and would be busy for the winter months.

Like anyone else, they did have their initial reservations about telemarketing; having heard the horror stories from other people, it was always a debate as to whether it would work for them or not. But, these reservations were swiftly overcome after reading the positive reviews from Your Lead Machine and having the reassurance that it would all work out with a positive outcome. Not to mention, being given the confidence that it would prove highly beneficial for them.

Funky Peach chose Your Lead Machine as their telemarketing provider immediately as they said that they loved the energy they received and found us to be very credible. The idea of working with Your Lead Machine was a ‘no brainer’.

Excellent Results

Funky Peach have been seeing multiple benefits from using telemarketing; the main one being that they have received an abundance of leads since starting their campaign which has only increased month by month. It has opened more doors for them as a business and given the opportunity to bring back staff that were, otherwise, on furlough.

They have been thoroughly impressed with the quality of information that has been provided with each lead; the constant, direct communication and follow up calls that they received has proven that there has been a lot of hard work involved and a really ‘good job done’.

In terms of the generated leads, they have been extremely pleased with the quality and detail; highlighting every need that the prospect has and why they are looking for the product, whether it be in regards to needing new stock or wanting new equipment for marketing purposes. This has been very useful for their team to follow up on.

Going forward, Funky Peach have decided to include Your Lead Machine as part of their sales process to make it even easier for them to win new business. This will not just increase sales, but also staff efficiency.

Overall, Your Lead Machine has become a very integral part of Funky Peach as they have proven that telemarketing actually does work. Originally, it was a test to see how it would work specifically for them, but now it has passed their initial test, they want to continue to build the great relationship that Your Lead Machine and Funky Peach have.

Now, having no reservations, they would not hesitate to recommend Your Lead Machine to other businesses and have been actively doing so.

Registration No. 11408901